Brother’s Love and Role Model Competition Rules
Brother’s Love and Role Model Competition Rules 2016
Each phase of competition is judged on a scale of 1 to 10, using whole numbers only. The highest number will gain the percentage to total the score below.
The judges will ask questions simply to find out more about you. You will not be asked questions with a right or wrong answer. You will be given 10 minutes to give your presentation.
Best Overall (40%)
Stage Presence (25%)
Best Video (25%)
Community Involvement (10%)
Most Tickets Sold (5%)
Most Ad Sales (5%)
Overall Presentation counts for 40% of your final Score. During this competition, you will be judged on how you speak effectively into a microphone and how you show confidence by presenting yourself on stage. Contestants will introduce themselves on stage, saying their name, hometown.
Stage Presence (25%) Stage Presence counts for 25% of your final Score. Nominator will share what inspire them to present his or her Brother/ Role Model in the competition. This is the time when you express your love for your Brother or Role Model. You will take home valuable interviewing skills, such as making good eye contact and speaking confidently.
Best Video (25 %) Best Video counts for 25% of your final score. You will be judged online for most likes through social media Facebook. You have 2 minutes to tell us why you decided to enter A Brother’s Love and Role Model competition. This video will be online June 6, 2016
Community Involvement (10%) Contestant or nominator must visit a non-profit of their choice. You must spend a total of 1 hour with the organization. Present a signed confirmation of attendance from the nonprofit
( Not enough time given each contestant will gain 10% automatically.)
Below you can gain extra points if you’re not at 100%.
Most Tickets Sold 10 + (5%) The Contestant who sells the most tickets will gain 5% towards the contestant's score.
The contestant who sells 15+ tickets will receive $50.00 Cash 10%.
Most Ads Sold 2+ (5%) The Contestant who sells the most ads will gain 5% towards the contestant's score.